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Known Issues and Troubleshooting

Known Issues

Issue with source ~/.zshrc on builds

If you run the command source ~/.zshrc within the Dockerfile it fails.

This is due to the build/shell throwing an error when one "source" command calls another "source" (i.e. a nested source) within a file.

Workaround examples

Temporarily Disable and Re-enable $ZSH/ from ~/.zshrc

Comment Source Lines in ~/.zshrc:

sed -i 's/# source $ZSH\/ $ZSH\/' ~/.zshrc

Unomment Source Lines in ~/.zshrc on all stage builds:

  sed -i 's/# source <(kubectl completion zsh)/source <(kubectl completion zsh)/g' ~/.zshrc && \
  sed -i 's/# source <(kubectl completion zsh)/source <(kubectl completion zsh)/g' ~/.bashrc && \
  sed -i 's/# source $ZSH\/ $ZSH\/' ~/.zshrc